Walt Disney’s Donald Duck Adventures in Color #10

These twenty-five volumes of Donald Duck Adventures In Color albums were published by The Bruce Hamilton Company under the Gladstone imprint in two years and one month, the page counts varying by as much as 22 pages, from 44 to 68, #10 one of the latter. It combines what a large percentage of collectors feel was Carl Barks' greatest Donald Duck full-length adventure, "Lost In the Andes" (Four Color 223), and the Old Duck Man's most controversial, "Voodoo Hoodoo" (FC 238). Both were written and drawn in 1949.

Donald's quest for square eggs in "Lost In the Andes" has everything: thrills, sentiment, biting satire, and lovingly rendered foreign locales. "Voodoo Hoodoo" treads a delicate line between humor and horror as Donald falls victim to a voodoo curse. Uncle Scrooge McDuck plays a significant five-page supporting role. 

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