Walt Disney’s Donald Duck Adventures in Color #11

Christmas Parade #1 (1949) and #2 (1950) represents what Carl Barks felt the most uncomfortable writing ... stories about holiday good cheer, sentimentality and other standard, gooey Christmas stuff, but -- well, shucks -- he was so good at it his editors gave him assignment after assignment over the years. What made it palatable, however, was adding Uncle Scrooge to his lexicon, which allowed for lots of ranting and snorting. The stories, "Letter to Santa" and "You Can't Guess" contain Barks' unvarnished comments on Christmas, a season he felt had become too commercial. As the ducks vie in contests of giving and getting, tempers flare and greeds erupt in angry slapstick. Yet a lingering holiday spirit prevails, making it possible for Santa to come down the chimney, untangle all the feuds, and put gifts into the right hands. (extremely limited)
(sold out)

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