The Money Lender
17 1/8" x 14" Large stone lithograph

Next Litho


Character images (c) Disney Enterprises, Inc. are provided for infor mation purposes only and not for commercial reuse or reproduction.

The Money Lender is a unique print: It is the only stonelithograph produced in Another Rainbow’s long-running series of the 1980’s and ’90’s.

“Inspired by the famous Norman Rockwell stone lithographs recreated under the master’s guidance in the 1970’s by Atelier EttingerInc., of New York, Barks and Another Rainbowl chose that studio to do Uncle Scrooge McDuck’s portrait shown here of The Money Lender. The richness of colors cannot be duplicated by any other process, but because of the great efforts involving Barks and his wife as well as the expense it was decided to do only one print in this manner.” Though done in 1983, The Money Lender was shelved until 1997, fourteen years later! There were a small number of Artist's and Publisher's Proofs but no Progressive Editions nor Printer’s Proofs. Two papers were used, the expensive and exotic Inomachi Nacre (Japon) and the very fine, traditional Papier d’Arches.



  • Papier D'Arches Edition Price for #11 and up $875 (sold)
  • Papier D'Arches Edition Price for #2-10, add 15% (sold)
  • Papier D'Arches Edition Price for #1, add 70% (sold)
  • Japon Paper Edition #11-100, add 30% (sold)
  • Japon Paper Edition #2-10, add 45% (sold)
  • Japon Paper Edition #1, add 145% (sold)
  • Publishers and Printer’s proofs, add 125% (available)
  • Artist Proofs, add 175% (available)

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