Walt Disney’s Uncle Scrooge #300 (October 1996)

The 300th issue of Uncle Scrooge is celebrated with 48 pages of Scrooge stories. Leading off is "The Sunken Yacht" by Carl Barks, the now legendary story of how the nephews used ping pong balls to raise a ship from the bottom of the bay. The second story is "Coin of the Realm" by William Van Horn, in which Scrooge flies to a tropical island to collect a 60-year old debt, now worth $1,000,000. He doesn't get the million but he does get 'big money'! In "Go Slowly Sands of Time", plot by Carl Barks and art by Vicar, Scrooge, Donald and the boys travel to the far-off valley of the Hunzas to find the secret of longevity. After eating and drinking all sorts of Hunza 'cures', Scrooge finds that he's unknowingly known the secret all along! Rounding out the issue is Don Rosa's "Noboby's Business" in which Scrooge gives Donald and Gladstone each $1000 to see how well they'll invest it in the next 24 hours. These two turn the entire market upside down! (very limited supply) $18.00

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