Key: All issues are 32-page comics except those designated (lg), which are 48 pages and those designated (g), which are 64 pages. A (c) after an artist's name denotes cover art; (c/s), cover and story art; (pc, a painted cover; all other listings indicate interior story/art only.

See below for ordering information

Writer/artist abbreviations: CB — Carl Barks; PB — Pat Block; DB — Daniel Branca; GC — Giorgio Cavazzano; JD — Jaime Diaz; CF — Caesar Ferioli; FG — Floyd Gottfredson; DJ — Daan Jippes; WK — Walt Kelly; FM — Fred Milton; PM — Paul Murry; DR — Don Rosa; MR — Marco Rota; ROS — Romano Scarpa; AT — Al Taliaferro; WVH — William Van Horn; BV — Ben Verhagen; V — Vicar.


1 CB (c/s) "24-Karat Moon," DB "Time Bandits"............$6.00
2 DR (c/s) "A Little Something Special" 50th Anniversary Scrooge (FINAL ISSUE OF SERIES-Limite Quantities)............$10.00


280 (first issue, series II), AT (c/s), 1930 strips, CB "Salmon Derby"............$6.00
281 AT (c/s), 1930 strips, CB "Ten Star Generals"............$4.00
282 AT (c/s), 1930 strips, CB "Gemstone Hunters"............$4.00
283 DR (c/s), "Duckburg to Lillehammer," AT 1930 strips............$5.00
284 AT (c/s), 1930 strips, CB "Master Rainmaker"............$5.00
285 AT (c/s), 1930 strips, CB "Cheltenham's Choice............$4.00
286 (g), WVH (c/s), "Birthday Boy," DR "Duck Who Never Was," FG "Case of the Vanishing Coats," F. Pedrocchi "Secret of Mars" (1st DD comic book adv.), CB "Victory Garden (1st CB 10 pager............$7.00
287 AT (c/s), 1930 strips, CB "Chickadee Challenge"............$6.00
288 AT (c/s), 1930 strips, CB "Rants About Ants"............$4.00
289 CB (c/s), "Hammy Camel," AT 1930 strips............$4.00
290 AT (c/s), 1930 strips, CB "Good Canoes"............$4.00
291 AT (c/s), 1930 strips, CB "Fearsome Flowers"............$4.00
292 AT (c/s), 1930 strips, "Noble Porpoises"............$6.00
293 CB "Dye is Cast," AT 1930 strips............$4.00
294 CB (c/s) "Persistent Postman," AT 1930 strips............$4.00
295 AT (c/s) 1930 strips, CB "Volunteer Fireman"............$4.00
296 CB (c/s) "Borderline Hero," AT 1930 strips............$4.00
297 CB "Little Chicken Thief," AT 1930 strips............$4.00
298 CB "Knight in Shining Armor," AT 1930 strips (extremely limited)............$10.00
299 CB "Life Guard Daze," AT 1930 strips............$5.00
300 (lg), WVH (c), MR "Runestone's Curse," DJ/FM, "Disco Ducks"............$5.00
301 DJ (c), CB "Smugsnorkle Squatty," AT 1930 strips............$4.00
302 CB (c/s) "Gold Finder," AT 1930 strips............$4.00
303 CB "Cantankerous Cat," AT 1930 strips............$4.00
304 CB "Bubbleweight Champ," AT 1930 strips............$4.00
305 CB (c/s) "Mocking Bird Ridge"AT 1940 strips............$4.00
306 WK (c), DJ "Case of Competence," WVH 3 gags, AT 1940 strips............$4.00
307 DJ (c), DJ/FM "Going to Sea," WVH fillers, AT 1940 strips (FINAL ISSUE OF SERIES)............$4.00


21 (first issue series II) DR (c), CB "Secret of Hondorica"............$6.00
22 CB (c/s), "The Pixilated Parrot"............$6.00
23 DR (c), MR "Andold Wild Duck"............$4.00
24 WVH (c/s), "The Black Moon"............$5.00
25 BV (c/s), "Hoard at Rainbow's End"............$4.00
26 (g), CB (c/s), "Terror of the River"............$7.00
27 PB (c/s), "Mystery of Widow's Gap"............$4.00
28 (g), CB (pc/s), "Sheriff of Bullet Valley"............$7.00
29 DR (c), WVH "Stampede and Deliver"............$4.00
30 (g), PB (c/s), "Too Late for Christmas," CB "Christmas for Shacktown............$7.00
31 PB (c), CB/DJ "Traitor in the Ranks"............$4.00
32 PB (c), CB/DJ "Storm Dancers"............$4.00
33 WVH (c), CB "Golden Helmet"............$4.00
34 PB (c/s), "Secret of the Dragon's Den"............$4.00
35 PB (c/s), "Poorest Duck in Duckburg"............$4.00
36 WVH (c), CB "Ice Taxis"............$4.00
37 PB (c/s), "Three Little Cupids"............$4.00
38 WVH (c/s), "Hauntland Treasure"............$4.00
39 DJ (c), BV "Ringtail Van Dukke"............$4.00
40 MR "Treasure Hunt at Sea"............$4.00
41 DB "Bruce McDuck," V "Duck Who Cried Wolf"............$4.00
42 CB (c), PM "Saga of Sourdough Sam"............$4.00
43 DR (c/s) "Lost Charts of Columbus"............$7.00
44 PB (c), Strobl "Kitchy-Kaw Diamond"............$4.00
45 CB (c), V "Master Fisherman"............$4.00
46 PB (c), Egmont "Chip off the Old Block"............$4.00
47 WVH (c), CB "Trick or Treat"............$4.00
48 WVH (c/s) "The Saphead Factor" (FINAL ISSUE OF SERIES)............$4.00


19 (first issue, series II), WVH (c), CB "Worm Weary," JD "Mickey and the Sleuth"............$6.00
20 (g), CB "Wild About Flowers," JD "Goofy Midas"............$6.00
21 WVH (c), CB "Gladstone's Usual Very Good Year," JD "Mickey and the Sleuth"............$4.00
22 CB "Omelet," JD "Mickey and the Sleuth"............$4.00
23 CB "Rocketwing," JD "Goofy King Tut" pt 1............$4.00
24 WVH (c), CB "Descent Interval," JD "Tut" pt 2............$6.00
25 (g), CB "Unorthodox Ox," JD "Tut" pt. 3............$5.00
26 WVH (c), PM "Crown of Tasbah"............$6.00
27 WVH (c), CB "Daffy Taffy," CF "Weather Wizard............$4.00
28 WVH (c), CB "Terrible Tourist," JD "Goofy King Arthur" pt 1............$5.00
29 DR (c), CB "Dodging Daisy," JD "Arthur" pt 2............$4.00
30 WVH (c), CB "Gopher Goof-Ups," JD Arthur" pt. 3............$4.00


1 CB "Donald's Pet Service," JD "Mickey Aladdin" pt. 1............$6.00
2 CB "Special Delivery," JD "Aladdin" pt. 2............$4.00
3 PB (c), CB "Around the World ," JD "Aladdin" pt 3............$4.00
4 WVH (c), CB "Froggie Catapult," Egmont "Shark Reef"............$5.00
5 CB/FG (c), CB "Dramatic Donald," CF "Mouse and His Dog"............$4.00
6 CB "Buy an Island," Egmont "Trojan Horse"............$4.00
7 CB "Donald's Bay Lot," Egmont "On the Ball" (FINAL ISSUE OF SERIES)............$4.00


281 (first issue, series II), DR (c), CB "Over the Rainbow"............$6.00
282 DB (c), CB "Trouble With Dimes"............$4.00
283 MR (c), CB "Foxy Relations"............$4.00
284 CB (c/s), "Turkey With All the Schemings"............$4.00
285 DR (c/s), "Life of Scrooge" pt.1............$10.00
286 DR (c/s), "Life of Scrooge" pt.2............$8.00
287 DR (c/s), "Life of Scrooge" pt.3............$8.00
288 DR (c/s), "Life of Scrooge" pt.4............$5.00
289 DR (c/s), "Life of Scrooge" pt.5............$5.00
290 DR (c/s), "Life of Scrooge" pt.6............$5.00
291 DR (c/s), "Life of Scrooge" pt.7............$5.00
292 DR (c/s), "Life of Scrooge" pt.8............$5.00
293 DR (c/s), "Life of Scrooge" pt.9............$7.00
294 DR (c/s), "Life of Scrooge" pt.10............$5.00
295 DR (c/s), "Life of Scrooge" pt.11............$5.00
296 DR (c/s), "Life of Scrooge" pt.12............$5.00
297 DB (c/s), DR "Life of Scrooge" pt. 0............$5.00
298 WVH (c/s), "The Pauper's Glass"............$4.00
299 DB (c), CB "Too Safe Safe"............$4.00
300 (lg) DR (c/s) "Nobody's Business," CB "Sunken Yacht," WVH "Coin of the Realm," CB/V "Sands of Time"............$18.00 ((very limited)
301 CB "Statuesue Spendthrifts," V "Moving Money Bin"............$4.00
302 CB (c/s) "Monkey Business"............$4.00
303 CB (c/s) "Rocks to Riches," V Pilfering Millionaire............$4.00
304 DJ (c), CB "Mr. Private Eye" V "Day in Life of Scrooge"............$4.00
305 CB "Flour Follies," "Matter of Factory," "Fishing Mystery"............$4.00
306 DR (c/s), "Life of Scrooge pt. 6.5............$5.00
307 CB "Krankenstein Gyro"............$4.00
308 PB (c) Heymans Christmas story............$6.00
309 (g; first prestige format issue), CB (pc/s) "Snow Duster," DR "WHADALOTTAJARGON", "Money to Burn," "Deep Sea Trouble," AT strip............$12.00
310(g), CB (pc/s) "Back to Long Ago," DR "Sign of the Triple Distelfink," AT strips (SOLD OUT - valued at over $50 due to extreme scarcity) Check for special notices on the Gladstone Home Page in case any becomes available.
311(g), CB "Outfoxed Fox," DR "Last Lord of Eldorado," AT strips...(very limited).........$25.00
312(g), CB (c), B. Heymans "The Hands of Zeus"............$8.00
313(g), DB (c), BV "Castle Rollingstein, CB "Fantastic River Race"............$8.00
314(g), WVH (c), DR "The Black Knight," CB "The Midas Touch"..(extremely limited)..........$40.00
315(g), ROS "The Flying Scot" part 1, CB "Sagmore Springs Hotel"............$8.00
316(g), ROS "Scot" part 2, CB "The Runaway Train"............$8.00
317(g), DR (c), CB "Code of Duckburg," "Pawns of the Loup Garou" (w)............$8.00
318(g), WVH (c/s) "Secrets," DR "Cowboy Captain of the Cutty Sark," (part 3 1/2 of the "Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck")CB "Wily Rival" (FINAL ISSUE OF SERIES)....(very limited)........$25.00


22 (first issue, series II), DR (c), CB "Prize of Pizarro"............$8.00
23 (g), CB "Financial Fable," PM "US Meets Phantom Blot"............$6.00
24 DR (c), CB "Trapped Lightning"............$4.00
25 DR (c), CB "The Money Well"............$7.00
26 (g), CB (pc/s), "Back to the Klondike"............$12.00
27 DR (c/s), "Guardians of the Lost Library"............$5.00
28 (g) DR (c), CB "Land Beneath Ground,"ROS "Oola Oola" pt. 1............$7.00
29 DR (c), ROS "Oola Oola" pt. 2............$4.00
30 (g), DR (c), CB "The Golden Fleecing," ROS "Lentils from Babylon" pt. 1............$6.00
31 DR (c), ROS "Lentils" pt. 2............$4.00
32 DR (c), ROS "Lentils" pt. 3............$4.00
33 (g), WVH (pc), CB/WVH "Horsing Around With History," CB "Only a Poor Old Man"............$7.00
34 DB (c/s) "Money Counting Machine"............$4.00
35 WVH (c), BV/DJ "Treasure Temple of Khaos"............$5.00
36 WVH (c), BV "Diamond of Duncan McDuck"............$5.00
37 ROS (c/s) "Colossus of the Nile" pt. 1............$4.00
38 ROS (c/s) "Colossus" pt. 2............$5.00
39 DR (c), CB "Tralla La"............$4.00
40 V (c/s) "Rarest Dog," DB "Low Down Blues"............$4.00
41 DB (c), V "Starkos Statue"............$6.00
42 CB (c/s) "Treasure of Marco Polo"............$4.00
43 CB (c/s) "Queen of the Wild Dog Pack"............$4.00
44 DR (c), DB "Two in One," V "Duck Who Cried Wolf"............$4.00
45 PB (c), JD "Duckburg Triangle"............$6.00
46 DB (c/s) "Tides Turn," CB "House on Cyclone Hill"............$4.00
47 WVH (c), CB "Menehune Mystery"............$4.00
48 CB (c/s), "Great Steamboat Race," Riches Riches Everywhere"............$4.00
49 WVH (c), V "Chumpney's"............$4.00
50 WVH (c), CB "Secret of Atlantis"............$5.00
51 DR (c/s), "Treasure of the Ten Avatars"............$4.00
52 WVH (c)............$4.00
53 WVH (c), GC "Secret of the Incas" pt. 1............$5.00
54 WVH (c), GC "Incas" pt. 2 (FINAL ISSUE OF SERIES)............$5.00


1 WVH (c), DB "Ten-Penny Opera," DR "Crocodile Collector"............$8.00
2 DR (c), V "Christmas Tree Tangle" (FINAL ISSUE OF SERIES)............$4.00


586 (first issue, series II), WVH (c), CB "Raffle Reversal," FG "Wolf Barker" (1933 Mickey strip) pt. 1............$6.00
587 WVH (c/s), "Out of Harmony's Way," FG "Wolf" pt. 2............$4.00
588 WVH (c/s), "Spotless Don," FG "World of Tomorrow" (1944 Mickey strip) pt. 1............$4.00
589 BV "Bugged by Humbuggery," FG "World" pt. 2............$6.00
590 DJ (c/s), "High Flying Picnic," FG "World" pt. 3............$4.00
591 WVH (c/s) "Magica's Missin' Magic," FG "Hoppy the Kangaroo" pt. 1 (1935 Mickey strip)............$4.00
592 WVH "Cluck of the Draw," FG "Hoppy" pt. 2............$4.00
593 WVH (c/s), "It's All Relative," FG "Monarch of Medioka" (1937-38 Mickey strip) pt 1............$10.00
594 WVH "The Better Life," FG "Monarch" pt. 2............$4.00
595 WVH (c/s), "Deck Us All," FG "Monarch" pt. 3............$4.00
596 WVH "Terror of Duckburg," FG "Monarch" pt 4............$4.00
597 WVH (c/s), "Rite of Spring," FG "Monarch" pt. 5............$4.00
598 WVH (c/s), "Meteor Madness," FG "Monarch" pt. 6............$4.00
599 WVH (c/s), "Yawn Patrol," FG "Monarch" pt 7............$4.00
600 (lg), CB "Rabbit's Foot," DJ/BV "Do-Gooder's," DR, "Family Tree," Mythological Menagerie," WVH "Heavy Duty"............$6.00
601 (g; first prestige format issue), "Sword in the Stone" pt. 1, CB (c), DR "Treasury of Croesus" pt. 1, FG "Blaggard Castle" pt. 1, WVH "Dupe in the Deep"............$12.00
602(g), DR (c), "Sword in Stone" pt. 2, DR "Croesus" pt. 2, FG "Blaggard" pt. 2, FM "Clock Watcher," WVH "Woes Garden"............$18.00
603(g), WVH (c/s), "Say Uncle," FG "Blaggard" pt. 3, DR "Croesus" pt. 3............$8.00
604(g), DJ (c/s), "Banquet Behind Bars," DR "Universal Solvent" pt. 1, FG "Rumplewatt the Giant," WVH "From Wince We Came"............$8.00
605(g), WK (c), WVH "Pachyderm," FG "Phantom Blot" pt. 1, DJ "Hi-Tech Havoc," CB "Monsterville," PM "Box Seats," DR "Solvent" pt. 2............$8.00
606(g), WK (c), WVH "Winging It," FG "Blot" pt. 2, CB "Traveling Truants," "Milktime Melodies," DR "Fit to Be Pied," "Solvent" pt. 3............$8.00
607(g), CB (pc), WVH "Number 401," CB/DJ "Maple Sugar Time," FG "Blot" pt. 3, DR "Once and Future Duck" pt. 1............$8.00
608(g), CB (c/s) "Christmas on Bear Mountain," WVH "Sleepless in Duckburg," M. Gilbert/CF "Plastic Mickey," DR "Once and Future Duck" pt. 2............$18.00
609(g), WVH "TV Stakes," FG "Pluto and Dogcatcher," CB "Mighty Trapper," DR "Once and Future Duck" pt. 3............$8.00
610(g), DJ (c), WVH "Treasures Untold," FG "Mail Pilot" pt 1, DR "Matter of Some Gravity"............$8.00
611(g), DJ (c), WVH "Romance at a Glance," FG "Mail Pilot" pt. 2, CB "Love Letters," "Cat Box, DR "On a Slilver Platter"............$8.00
612(g), WVH (c/s) "Sod Couple," FG "Mail Pilot" pt. 3, CB "Forecasting Follies," PM "Diamond Mountain," DR "Shrinking Tightwad" pt. 1............$8.00
613(g), DR (c/s) "Tightwad" pt. 2, WVH "Another Vine Mess," FG "Robin Hood Adventure" pt. 1............$8.00
614(g), DR "Attack of the Hideous Space Varmints" pt. 1, WVH "Airheads," FG "Robin Hood" pt. 2............$8.00
615(g), DR (c/s) "Space Varmints" pt. 2, FG "Robin Hood" pt 3, FM "Backyard Battlers," CB "Gold Finder" AT "Dude Ranch"............$8.00
616(g), WVH (c/s) "Catch of the Day," FG "Secret Serum," CF "Mouse Against the World," DR "Space Varmints" pt. 3............$8.00
617(g), CB (pc/s) "Cave of the Winds," WVH "Tree's A Crowd," NoelVH "Cavern in the Sands," DR "Recalled Wreck"............$8.00
618(g), DR (c/s) "Making the Grade," CF "Biodome Hazard," WVH "A Dolt From the Blue," FM "Perilous Partnership"............$8.00
619(g), PB (c/s) "Queen of the Ant Farm," FM "Cod Liver Oil," CF "A Useful Book," PM "Idol of Moaning Island" pt. 1, DR "Give Unto Others"............$8.00
620(g), WVH (c/s) "Caught in the Cold Rush," PM "Idol" pt. 2, DR "Oolated Luck"............$8.00
621(g), DR (c/s) 'Pied Piper of Duckburg," WVH "Room and Bored"............$8.00
622(g), CB (pc/s) "Mixed-Up Mixer," WVH "Just Another Hang-Up," DR "An Eye For Detail," V "Pork Barrel Politics"............$8.00
623(g), WVH (c/s) "All Quacked Up," CB "New Year's Revolutions," DR "The Money Pit," AT strips............$12.00
624(g), DJ (c), WVH "Their Loaded Forbear," CB "The Bear Tamer," DR "Metaphorically Spanking," AT strips............$8.00
625(g), WVH (c/s) "Mummery's the Word," CB "Worst Class Mail," "Madball Pitcher," AT strips............$8.00
626(g), WVH (c/s) "A Real Gone Guy," CB "Camera Crazy"............$8.00
627(g), DB (c), WVH "Too Bee or Not to Bee," AT strips............$8.00
628(g), DJ (c), DJ/CB "Officer for a Day," CB "Salesman Donald"............$8.00
629(g), WVH "Hail the Conquering Loser"............$8.00
630(g), WVH (c/s) "A Fish Tale," MR "In Love and War," AT strips............$8.00
631(g), DB (c), WVH "Music Hath Charms," V "No Time For Nappin'"............$8.00
632(g), WK (c), CB "Weemite," "A Day in a Duck's Life" (w)............$8.00
633(g), CB "Donald Duck's Best Christmas," WVH "Creature Comforts," DR "War of the Wendigo" (FINAL ISSUE OF SERIES)............$8.00


1 (lg), DR (c/s) "Hearts of the Yukon" (Life of Scrooge pt.8.5)............$7.00
2 (lg), CB (c/s) "Mines of King Solomon"............$6.00
3 (lg), DR (c/s) "Super Snooper Strikes Again," CB "Super Snooper"............$6.00
4 (lg), PB (c), JD "Mysterious Stranger" (Mickey)............$6.00
5 (lg), DR (c), CF "Fantasy Island" (Mickey), GC "Snacking Sleuths"............$5.00
6 (lg), DB (c), CB "Floating Island," CB/DJ "Day Mountain Shook," CB/DJ "Bad Day for Troop A"............$5.00
7 CB "Micro Ducks" and "Donald's Big Imagination," Egmont "Return of the Micro Ducks" (FINAL ISSUE OF SERIES)............$5.00


1 CB (c/s) "Purloined Putty," DB "Neighborly Feud"............$4.00
2 PB (c), CB "Good Neighbors" (excerpt), "Feud and Far Between"............$2.00
3 WVH (c/s) "Duel Personalities," CB "Unfriendly Enemies"............$2.00
4 DJ (c/s) "Success Test," WVH "Sound Deal" (FINAL ISSUE OF SERIES)............$2.00