1. The nephews try to drum up business for Donald's ferry. 2. The Junior Woodchucks' Official Hound interferes with Donald's photography. 3. The Ducks drive in a midget motorcycles race. 4. Donald sells ice cream and cotton candy at the Duckburg World's Fair. 5. Donald is a fantastically skilled wrecker, as he demonstrates on an old fort in "Master Wrecker."
Reprints WDC&S #260-264. Hero Trading Card #45: Mythic Valhallians. Eons ago, in a time of solar storms, earthmen were swept onto Valhalla and mistook the local yokels for gods. When the planet came back in 1961, the Ducks teamed up with these Greek, Norse and Roman imposters to prevent a second cosmic collision. (Confused? See USA album #33)