Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge Adventures in Color #52

A significant album, USA #52 features a lead story with proven ingredients: Uncle Scrooge and the Duck family, McDuck's money bin, the Beagle Boys and the "House of Haunts," an outrageously haunted castle. Best of all, however, is "The Treasure of Marco Polo," which was the single most difficult Carl Barks story (of twelve) for Another Rainbow to get removed from Disney's dreaded permanent and Official Banned List from the 1970's. ("A Cold Bargain," the "Atom Bomb" giveaway and "Voodoo Hoodoo" were others.) Everything about "The Treasure of Marco Polo" seemed to bother Disney before they relaxed -- or lowered? -- their barriers. Revolutionary settings were taboo -- especially in the Far East -- and here was Prince Char Ming, the rightful ruler of Unsteadystan, threatened by rebels whose leader was Wahn Beeg Raht. Even the Duckburgian Embassy gets blown up.SOLD OUT

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