Walt Disney’s Donald Duck Adventures in Color #5

Commentary by former publisher, Bruce Hamilton."

Combining 1947's Donald Duck Latin-American epic, "Volcano Valley," with 1945’s "Riddle of the Red Hat," (Carl Barks' only Mickey Mouse comic book) is what makes this album, Donald Duck Adventures in Color #5, so rich in contrasts. Barks always maintained he didn't know how to draw the mouse and did not do Mickey well, but the Old Duck Man's fans don't care: It's the fact that it's Barks' Mickey they want to see.

Meanwhile, when Pablo Manana takes Donald south of the border in "Volcano Valley," he neglects to mention two crucial things: his homeland is ringed by active volcanos, and no one may leave unless he becomes a national hero. Like Californians ignoring the San Andreas fault, the Volcanovians respond to this crisis by taking a siesta, leaving the ducks trapped and friendless. -- BH        SOLD OUT

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