Walt Disney’s Donald Duck Adventures in Color #14

Carl Barks' legendary trio of three March of Comics giveaways (see also DDA #6) concludes in this album. It's true Barks' travel tales were never serene, for they often mix globe­trotting with heated rivalries. "Darkest Africa" (MOC #20, 1948) pits Donald against professor Argus McFiendly, a lepidopterist who will stop at nothing to snare rare butterflies for his collection.

In "Race to the South Seas" (M0C #41 is shown in the Table of Contents in error as having been published in 1959; the correct date is 1949) our hero competes with Gladstone to rescue Scrooge when the tycoon's seaplane crashes. This is the first tale in which Gladstone's uncanny luck is revealed, and it sets the tone for his future wars with Donald.

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