Series I - Gladstone
Walt Disney
Comic Albums
Large, magazine-size, heavy-stock, square-bound, full-color Gladstone comic
albums with new Carl Barks covers created from art taken
from one of the five 10-page Donald Duck stories reprinted
in each issue of the flagship Disney
title. Walt Disney's Comics and Stories
(a direct. uninterrupted name-change descendant of the original Mickey
Mouse Magazine).
Prices are based on the number of copies in stock and also greater page counts and higher original cover prices. The Comic Albums in this collection vary in length; Albums #1-25 are 48 pages; #26-28 are 80 pages, Giant #1-3 are 72 pages, Giant #3-4 are 96 pages; Giant #5 is 104 pages and Giant #6 is 112 pages.
See below for ordering information.
Gladstone Walt Disney Comic Albums
A Complete Set of 28 Regular Series & 7 Giant Albums - only $295
All 35 albums are offered only in complete sets - while they last - All WDC&S albums are unread & uncirculated copies!
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge - Album #1
Front cover by C.C. Beck; Introductory text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Uncle Scrooge in "The Mines of King Solomohn" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "Honey of a Hen" by Carl Barks. Uncle Scrooge in "A Tracking Frenzy" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge gags, "History Tossed" and "Windfalls of the Mind" by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Donald Duck - Album #2
Front cover by Daan Jippes; Introductory text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Donald Duck in "Terror of the River" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "Seals Are So Smart" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "Camp Counselor" by Carl Barks.

Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse - Album #3
Front cover by Daan Jippes; Introductory text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Mickey Mouse in "Lair of Wolf Barker" by Ted Osborne and Floyd Gottfredson; Mickey Mouse in "Bouncy Feet" by Ted Osborne and Floyd Gottfredson; Mickey Mouse in "Mickey's Nephews" by Ted Thwaites and Floyd Gottfredson.
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge - Album #4
Front cover by Carl Barks; Introductory text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Uncle Scrooge in "Back to the Klondike" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "Cave of the Winds" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "A Campaign of Note" by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Donald Duck Adventures - Album #5
Front cover by Carl Barks; "Horse Laughs and Horse Opera" text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Donald Duck in "Sheriff of Bullet Valley" by Carl Barks; Daisy Duck's Diary, "Too Much Help" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "Around the World in Eighty Minutes" by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge - Album #6
Front cover by Don Rosa; "Notes from Underground" text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Uncle Scrooge in "Land Beneath the Ground" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "Pipeline to Danger" by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Donald Duck - Album #7
Front cover by Carl Barks; Introductory text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Donald Duck in "Master Rainmaker" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "The Master Mover" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "The Master Glasser" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "Master Wrecker" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "Spare That Hair by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse - Album #8
Front cover by Daan Jippes; Introductory text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Mickey Mouse in "Hoppy the Kangaroo" by Ted Osborne and Floyd Gottfredson; Mickey Mouse in "Foray to Mt. Fishflake" by Ted Osborne and Floyd Gottfredson; Mickey Mouse in "Motor Mix-up" by Ted Osborne and Floyd Gottfredson; Several half-page gags by Floyd Gottfredson and Dick Shaw.
Walt Disney's Bambi - Album #9
Front cover by unknown artist; Introductory text feature by Bruce Hamilton; "Bambi" by Chase Craig and Mo Gollub; Bambi Gallery by the Disney Studio.
Walt Disney's Donald Duck Adventures - Album #10
Front cover by Carl Barks; "Persian Paranoia" text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Donald Duck in "Ancient Persia" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "Super Snooper" by Carl Barks; Gyro, Donald & the nephews in "Donald's Big Imagination" by Carl Barks; Two one-pager gag by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge - Album #11
Front cover by Don Rosa; "Island Interlude" text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Uncle Scrooge in "Hawaiian Hideaway" by Carl Barks; Gyro Gearloose in "Krankenstein Gyro" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge, Donald & Gladstone in "A Financial Fable" by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Donald and Daisy - Album #12
Front cover by Russell Schroeder; Introductory text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Donald Duck in "Donald Duck's Worst Nightmare" by Carl Barks; Donald, Daisy and Gladstone in "Wild About Flowers" by Carl Barks; Donald and Daisy in "Dodging Miss Daisy" by Carl Barks; Daisy Duck's Diary, "The TV Babysitter" by Carl Barks; Donald and Daisy in "The Beauty Business" by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Donald Duck Adventures - Album #13
Front cover by Carl Barks; "Barks and the Viking Spirit" text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Donald Duck in "The Golden Helmet" by Carl Barks; Daisy Duck's Diary , "The Double Date" by Carl Barks; Grandma Ducks Farm Friends in "The Reversed Rescue" by Carl Barks; "Turn for the Worse" gag by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge - Album #14
Cover by Daan Jippes; "Back to Bloomsbury" text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Uncle Scrooge in "The Money Well" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "Curious Constable" by the Gutenberghus Group.
Walt Disney's Donald and Gladstone - Album #15
Front cover by Daan Jippes; Don vs Gladstone text feature by Geoffrey Blum; "Gladstone Returns" by Carl Barks; "Gemstone Hunters" by Carl Barks; "Salmon Derby" by Carl Barks; "Dinner at Daisy's" by the Gutenberghus Group; "Dramatic Donald" by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Donald Duck Adventures - Album #16
Front cover by Carl Barks; "Power Games in Voodoo Land" text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Donald Duck in "Voodoo Hoodoo" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck gags - "McMerganser Macabre" by the Gutenberghus Group.
Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse - Album #17
Front cover by Cyril Jordan; Introductory text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Mickey Mouse in "The World of Tomorrow" by Bill Walsh and Floyd Gottfredson; Mickey Mouse daily strip gags by Bill Walsh and Floyd Gottfredson; "The Pirate Ghostship" by Bill Walsh and Floyd Gottfredson.
Walt Disney's Donald Duck and the Junior Woodchucks - Album #18
Front cover by Russell Schroeder; Introductory text feature by Geoffrey Blum; "Operation Rescue Saint Bernard," "The Chickadee Challenge," "Ten-Star Generals," and the one-page gag by Carl Barks; "Protective Cacophony" by the Gutenberghus Group; "Course Play" by the Gutenberghus Group.
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge - Album #19
Front cover by Don Rosa; "Trick or Treat in Larkie Land" by Geoffrey Blum; Uncle Scrooge in "The Golden Fleecing" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge "Stamps Out Crime" by the Gutenberghus Group.
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge - Album #20
Front cover by Carl Barks; Introductory text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Uncle Scrooge in "Only A Poor Old Man" by Carl Barks; three Uncle Scrooge one-page gags by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "Migrating Millions" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "His Handy Andy" by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Donald Duck Family - Album #21
Front cover by Carl Barks; Introductory text feature on the duck family by Geoffrey Blum; Donald Duck in "Mocking Bird Ridge" by Carl Barks; Daisy Duck's Diary , "A Sticky Situation" by Carl Barks; Donald's Grandma by Carl Barks'; Gyro Gearloose in "Jonah Gyro" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "Go Slowly, Sands of Time" by Carl Barks and the Gutenberghus Group. $8.00
Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse - Album #22
Front cover by Murad Gumen; Introductory text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Mickey Mouse in "Sheriff of Nugget Gulch" by Ted Osborne and Floyd Gottfredson; Goofy one-page gag by Paul Murry.
Walt Disney's Donald Duck - Album #23
Front cover painting by Carl Barks; "Halloween in Duckburg" text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Donald Duck in "Trick or Treat" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "Hobblin' Goblins" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck one-page gags by Carl Barks. (VERY limited)
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge - Album #24
Front cover by Don Rosa; Introductory text feature on "A Cold Bargain" by Geoffrey Blum; Uncle Scrooge in "A Cold Bargain" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "The Secret Book" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "All at Sea" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge one-page gag by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Donald Duck - Album #25
Front cover by Carl Barks; "The Shacktown Spirit" text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Donald Duck in "A Christmas for Shacktown" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck gags - "Golf Balls," "Mistletoe," "Christmas List" and "Tools" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "Turkey With All the Schemings" by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Mickey and Donald - Album #26
80 pages of Floyd Gottfredson! Front cover by Floyd Gottfredson and Ted Osborne; "Seven Ghosts" introductory text by Geoffrey Blum; Mickey and Donald and "The Seven Ghosts" by Floyd Gottfredson; Goofy one-page gag by Dick Moores; Mickey and Donald in "The Case of the Vanishing Coats" by Ted Osborne and Floyd Gottfredson.

Walt Disney's Donald Duck - Album #27
80 pages of Carl Barks ten-pagers from WDCS, 1943-1945! Front cover by Carl Barks; Barks ten-pager introductory text by Geoffrey Blum; Donald Duck in "The Duck in the Iron Pants" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "Numismatic Nightmare" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "Donald's Victory Garden" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "The Lucky Rabbit's Foot" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "Camera Crazy" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "The Wild Colt" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "Good Neighbors" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "The Tramp Steamer" by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge & Donald Duck Album #28
80 pages chock-full of Don Rosa! Front cover by Don Rosa; Introductory text on Don Rosa by Geoffrey Blum; Uncle Scrooge in "Cash Flow" by Don Rosa; Donald Duck in "Mythological Menagerie" by Don Rosa; Uncle Scrooge in "The Paper Chase" by Gary Leach; Uncle Scrooge in "Last Sled to Dawson" by Don Rosa; Donald Duck in "Rocket Reverie" by Gary Leach and Don Rosa; Donald Duck in "Recalled Wreck" by Don Rosa.
Walt Disney's Donald Duck finds Pirate Gold - GIANT Album #1
72 pages of Carl Barks! Front cover - artist unknown; "The Saga of Pirate Gold" 4-page text feature by Geoffrey Blum; "Donald Duck Finds Pirate Gold," adapted by Bob Karp and drawn by Carl Barks and Jack Hannah.
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge & Donald Duck - GIANT Album #2
72 pages of Carl Barks! Front cover by Don Rosa; "Atlantis As Springboard" text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Uncle Scrooge in "The Sunken City" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "Luck of the North" by Carl Barks; "McDuck Taks a Dive," "Slippery Sipper," and "Machine Mix-up" gags by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse - GIANT Album #3
72 pages of Floyd Gottfredson! Front cover by Murad Gumen; Introductory text feature by Geoffrey Blum; "Mickey Mouse at The Bar-None Ranch" by Merrill de Maris and Floyd Gottfredson; Goofy one-page gag by Bill Wright.
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge - GIANT Album #4
96 pages chock-full of Carl Barks and Don Rosa!! Front cover by Don Rosa; "Scrooge's Fetch text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Uncle Scrooge in "The Second Richest Duck" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "The Money Champ" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "So Far and No Safari" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "The Son of the Sun" by Don Rosa.
Walt Disney's Donald Duck Adventures - GIANT Album #5
96 pages of Carl Barks!! Front cover painting by Carl Barks; Introductory text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Donald Duck in "The Gilded Man" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "The Pixilated Parrot" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "The Secret of Hondorica" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck in "The Runaway Train" by Carl Barks; Donald Duck gags and original front covers by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge - GIANT Album #6
104 pages of Carl Barks and Magica de Spell!!! Front cover by Carl Barks; Introductory text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Uncle Scrooge in "The Midas Touch" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "The Unsafe Safe" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "For Old Dime's Sake" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "The Many Faces of Magica de Spell" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "Rug Riders in the Sky" by Carl Barks; Uncle Scrooge in "Raven Mad" by Carl Barks.
Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse - GIANT Album #7
112 pages of Mickey Mouse by Floyd Gottfredson!!!! Front cover by Murad Gumen; 2-page introductory text feature by Geoffrey Blum; Mickey Mouse as "The Monarch of Medioka" by Ted Osborne, Merrill de Maris and Floyd Gottfredson; 2-page "Banned In Yugoslavia" section detailing how the "The Monarch of Medioka" was censored by the Yugoslavian government in 1937.