Walt Disney’s Comics & Stories #562 (August 1991)

The cover to #562 is a real departure, a Walt Kelly reprint a half century old from Boys and Girls March of Comics #41, 1949 (Gladstone used a number of Kelly’s best covers near the end of Series II (our prestige-format Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories in the late 1990’s), cover art that looks better today with computer colors than it did on the old Dell comics ’way back when. The lead Carl Barkser, “Three Dirty Little Ducks” is even earlier, from C&S #43, April 1944, a story featuring Bolivar, Donald’s dog, who later became Bornworthy (in deference to South Americans who objected to such frivolous use of the name Bolivar). A fine, 1947 Bucky Bug is in this issue plus a Bill Walsh-Floyd Gottfredson Mickey Mouse sequence taken from the daily newspaper continuities of 1946 Gladstone did a lot of this and we were pleased to see Disney continue our lead). In the two-page feature, Disney’s Comics Archives, eleven more Barks reprints of Calgary Eye-Opener drawings from 1930 are shown.

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