Walt Disney’s Comics & Stories #549 (July 1990)

In Carl Barks’ lead Donald Duck story (from WDC&S #145, November 1952) Donald believes that the nephews’ toy gun actually has the ability to hypnotize, and he tries it out on Uncle Scrooge. This is probably one of the ten funniest stories written and drawn by the Old Duck Man, a great choice for Barks’ debut. Also in this issue is a second Li’l Bad Wolf, a European Mickey Mouse’s done in 1988. The Comments and Queries page is devoted to a mini-biography of future mainstay, William Van Horn! Beginning with this issue’s cover -- and thereafter with rare exception for almost two and a half years -- one or the other of the same two line art drawings of Donald Duck were reproduced in those little corner boxes that replaced the newsstand UPC codes on the Disney newsstand comics (for more information than you may have ever wanted to know about this subject, but to find out why it’s interesting, see Uncle Scrooge #279). Only a limitedsupply is available of #549.$6.00

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